Monday, April 28, 2008

Deep-Fried Oysters with Mango Salsa

I saw this recipe in the Christmas issue of Yummy, a food magazine here in the Philippines and I would like to share this with you. Actually, all I do with oysters is to cook them as soup so I decided to try this and actually loved it. Plus, it's easy to prepare. So, how about trying this yourself?


fresh oysters, opened and taken out of the shell
1/4 cup flour
1 whole egg, beaten
1/4 cup bread crumbs
oil fot frying

For the Mango Salsa:

1 medium-sized ripe mango, cubed
2 medium-sized red onions, chopped
1 large tomato, cubed
1 piece chili, chopped
1 tablespoon coriander, chopped
1/4 of a lemon, juiced
salt and pepper to taste


Coat oysters with flour, then dip in egg, then roll in breadcrumbs.
In a pan, heat oil, then deep-fry oysters until golden brown.
Make mango salsa by mixing all ingredients together.
Put oyster meat back into the shells, then place a dollop of mango salsa on top.


Pro Blog Reviews said...

I have just posted a review of this blog, come on over and check it out and don't forget to bring your friends.

Tinggay said...

I hate oysters. Always have, but this recipe is making me reconsider my "hatred".
I did not hate oysters though because I hated it per se. I hated it because I always have associated it with horrible meal times where my grandfather would glare at me and forced me to eat oysters.
I was six. I hated it.

The_Sphinx's World said...

pro blog:

thank you very very much for the review. it's so nice of you to do this. don't worry, i'll add your link to my site and hope that my friends will visit your site too.


i understand what you mean. i used to hate eating vegetables too while I was growing up because my mom used to force me to eat them. I only started eating them heartily when I sampled a very delicious plate of chop suey in one of the chinese restaurants here in the city.

just try cooking them this way and see if you like them. They're a good source of Iodine.

SheR. said...

I don't like oysters personally. But this looks like a nice dish since I like Salsa.